
Network Security and Computer Data Security for businesses like yours throughout Los Angeles and Orange Counties.

Do you worry about malicious attacks from hackers, malware, and viruses? How about the risks of internal threats and accidents like lost laptops or flash drives?

With comprehensive Computer Data Security services, you get protection that’s designed to meet the unique challenges your business faces, so you can stop worrying about the safety of your data. Our Network and Data Security, rolled out with virus removal, malware and spam protection services protect you from all lurking threats with complete assurance for your business in Los Angeles and Orange County.

With a well planned security architecture from ITPLAN, you get:

  • Threat Detection – protection from online threats like hackers
  • Vulnerability Testing – we discover any weak areas in your network and provide strategies to fix them
  • Protection from Viruses – put up an unbeatable defense against spyware, malware, and other viruses
  • Safer Login Options – such as passwords, encryption, and VPNs